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How bad can a blocked gutter get?

ashtead gutter forest

Here we are today at this residential property in Ashtead. How bad were they? That's a question we often get asked when clearing out gutters. Not as bad as this gutter in Ashtead would usually be the answer! This gutter was surrounded by very close overhanging trees and to be fair to the customer was out of sight.

As this gutter was only one story we did remove the bulk of the debris by hand as it was growing up the roof! We then came along with the trusty gutter vac and sucked up all the remaining dirt and disposed of it all on the customers compost pile a short walk away.

Nothing surprises us these days, we've seen it all, gutters full of cement and mortar that's fallen from the roof above, lots of tennis balls and some perfect grass lawns growing up in the gutters.

When we come across little forests like this in Ashtead we don't charge any extra. All our quotes are fixed, the only extra charges are for parts and repairs .