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Why We Dont Recommend Gutter Brushes In Guildford

blocked gutter brush guildford

Today in Guildford we removed this hedgehog gutter brush while carrying out our regular gutter cleaning service. These types of devices are designed to prevent blocked gutters and they do work but only for so long. After a while the moss that falls off the roof tiles lands on the gutter brush and will start growing in the brush itself which will eventually result in a blockage, something the gutter brush is supposed to prevent! Leaves also will find their way under the brushes and won't be carried away by the flow of the rainwater as they can't move thanks to the brushes. Even when things haven't gone quite as far as in this picture in order to properly clear the gutters the brush has to be removed first, which creates additional mess, the gutters then cleared and the brushes put back. Four times the amount of work. We don't recommend and of these such devices, just have your gutters in Guildford regularly cleaned instead.